In a startling development, Rafael Alvarez, a tax preparer hailing from the Bronx and known colloquially as the “tax magician,” found himself facing numerous federal charges this past Monday, accused of perpetrating a staggering $100 million RIS tax fraud.
According to the Justice Department, Alvarez, aged 60, amassed a substantial $15 million for his company, ATAX New York, while allegedly pilfering a staggering $100 million from the federal government over the course of a decade-long scheme. However, the purported scheme has now crumbled under the weight of legal scrutiny.
IRS agent Thomas Fattorusso, in a statement released to the press, remarked, “While Alvarez may have been known as the ‘magician,’ he can’t say abracadabra and make these charges disappear.” He added, “Today’s arrest was no magical illusion, and Alvarez now faces the reality of his actions,” the Daily News reported.